The internet and new technologies ask us to choose a digital strategy and influencers may be an option.

The idea is to solve the daily problems and generate new relationships with our customers.

In this respect, as the social world changes, so does the commercial world and the sales strategies that are now increasingly oriented to a digital strategy.

In another era, we would have promoted a “word of mouth” recommendation, as a guarantee method for a product. This mainly has to do with the fact that someone else’s recommendation tends to be much more reliable for a new consumer than a television ad or other advertising medium.

Today, the digital age continues to prefer this, but, now, it takes place mostly through what we commonly know as Bloggers or “Influencers.”
The role of influencers in digital strategy

Nowadays, bloggers, vloggers or influencers have more and more power and, thus, more “influence”. People tend to rely on “celebrities” thanks to virality (organic or otherwise) that although may be momentary or circumstantial can be very well used by brands.

Today, we could say that that “word of mouth”, moves to screen and text, from one human being to another, exercising the first its influence on the second.

Due to the foregoing, “influencers” are increasingly sought after by various styles of digital strategy, since they constitute a direct door to potential consumers. That is how companies are increasingly looking for bloggers, instagramers, youtubers, among others, to reach more people, with a greater degree of reliability, for their own digital strategy.

influencers for your digital strategy
Why does “Influencer” work?

Today, reading reviews, critiques, complaints and recommendations about products and services on the internet is one of the most frequent activities to which the future consumers go, especially before making any purchase.

This is mainly because they know that it is the recommendation of a person who probably has already tried a product or service and has succeeded or not with the same.

The question then is why do bloggers or vloggers become influencers?

As we have already mentioned on other occasions, web positioning is of vital importance, in today’s world, for the commercial success of a certain company or business. Therefore, it is common for the digital strategy of many of these to orient themselves to look for links in pages of great relevance.

Thus, it will depend on the characteristics of the blog in question, so that companies seek the possibility of accessing it, in that way, considerably favor their web positioning.

In short, we could say that, in today’s world, brands and bloggers go hand in hand and play the same bilateral role to help one another.

Do you need a digital strategy with influencers? In Social Sutra we can generate a strategy that benefits your brand.

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