Discover the advantages of having a company page on LinkedIn Did you know that today there are more than 18 million businesses that already have their space in this professional network?

A company page on LinkedIn helps your business to be found more easily . In addition, you can receive visits to your page through the personal profiles of your employees. In short, it favors the construction of a great professional image and therefore highlight.

People expect you to have a company page on LinkedIn

  1. Be located through the LinkedIn search engine
  2. Strengthen your brand through the profiles of your employees
  3. Bring your target audience
  4. Achieve scope and impact
  5. Build relationships with new followers or visitors

What do companies look for when they take the step of creating their LinkedIn page?

When other users have an eye on your LinkedIn profile, it is not good to have a gray box with a white paper in your company experience section. It is usually the one that appears when the company does not have a profile page . This makes your company be seen as a small business, a new brand. Or simply, that it is not yet a real company. What does all this entail? That the rest of users will not take you seriously. And therefore they will understand that it is an unprofessional business .

Did you know that the network of contacts that each employee has generates ten times more connections than the fact that a company has followers? Therefore, the company that takes advantage of this network of contacts, can achieve significant results in terms of marketing, sales or recruitment.

Here are the 5 main reasons why each company or small business needs to have a company page on LinkedIn:

1. Be located through the LinkedIn search engine

Surely it is the most logical, but a company that has a presence on LinkedIn will be more at hand of any professional, potential client, business partners and even job seekers. Keep in mind that if any of these users write the name of the company in the LinkedIn search engine and it does not appear, the brand image that can be transmitted is not positive.

LinkedIn is a powerful search engine . It is able to capture the keywords of the company description. Having well located those for which you want to relate to your company is basic to the image of it. Do not let your business lose professional opportunities by not having a company page on LinkedIn!

That your company has support on LinkedIn can improve the positioning of it on the search engines. Taking a correct SEO strategy, you can also get it to appear among the top results on LinkedIn. The profiles in this professional network are usually in the first results of Google.

2. Strengthen your brand through the profiles of your employees

Make your brand visible in the profiles of your employees. The logo represents any value that the company wants to communicate. Therefore, any employee of the same will also be doing on LinkedIn and will feel more identified with it. Try to “put a smile” on your employees instead of demotivating them with the gray logo that LinkedIn offers by default. The only thing you get is that you lose interest in linking with the company.

3. Bring your target audience

Every visitor to your company page could be a potential customer, a business partner or a sponsor. On a company page it is highly recommended that you share ideas about the company’s culture, highlight the work of your employees and themselves. Above all I recommend that you take a process of humanization.

Prepare the best professional cocktail on LinkedIn with your company page. Carry out a combination of interesting content but at the same time be personalized , that is, offering the point of view of the company.

LinkedIn is an immense field of possibilities. Among the options that you can consider to share on your company page are: videos, graphics, images of events, publications on the company blog, an article with tips and even exhibitions. You can get to announce until the incorporation of a new employee.

4. Achieve scope and impact

This other possibility that offers a company to have its own page on LinkedIn, is really underestimated. In any company there are employees who become the best ambassadors of the brand . This occurs because they feel identified with the values ​​transmitted by the company for which they work.

Employees who feel deeply represented by your company, will have a very positive impact on it. These will be willing to share in their profiles the posts published by your company. Those presentations in which they are involved. And even new job offers within the company.

But what does this really provide to the company? Very simple, the brand will achieve greater reach through the network of contacts of the employee . And if I tell you that the target audience relies on the people they know best. Now the idea of ​​why an employee can become your company’s best ally is clearer, right?

One of the problems that many employees have when it comes to sharing updates is that they do not add extra information about what they are sharing. It is important that an employee is well informed in order to be comfortable with any publication of your company on LinkedIn. In this way, making known what the company he works for will be easier for him. Organizations sometimes forget a power as valuable as the promotion of their employees .

5. Build relationships with new followers or visitors

It does not matter what your goal is for your company when it comes to creating your space on LinkedIn. The building relationships is the key to success and have a business page makes you so . Give each comment you receive, at least, a “like”. I assure you that it will be a good start to boost your business on LinkedIn.

One of the most powerful ways to increase the number of followers and visitors is through interaction with all those who leave your comment or share any publication of the company page . At least thank for the participation! Especially, treat each comment as you would in real life. Or if you hurry me as you would like them to treat you.

If you really want to create new contact ways, carry out these 3 tips that I give you:

  • Avoid leaving any comment on your company page unanswered.
  • Do not stop responding to any possible professional opportunity.
  • Keep the conversation alive and answer the questions, you never know when your next professional adventure may appear.

What do companies look for when they take the step of creating their LinkedIn page?

The company page on LinkedIn stands out for having a simple and intuitive structure . The companies that are launched to introduce their presence in this professional network do so for one of these reasons:

  • Strengthen your brand and tell the story of the company itself
  • Conduct a content LinkedIn strategy
  • Make use of the page as an element for advertising
  • Achieve greater diffusion and increase knowledge, positive image and trust
  • Get an analysis of the performance of all your activity and know the impact it has on the company’s objectives
  • Attract potential clients and new talent

Are you now clear about all the advantages that a LinkedIn company page could bring to your business? If I have not convinced you at all, I ask you another question. Are you going to let your competitors have free access in the biggest professional network? Take the step and create your own company page.

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