If you want to develop an email marketing campaign you have to make an action plan beforehand, so that you do not become spam from the first mail, to help you we have compiled 5 tips to get a successful campaign.

1. Use marketing permission: This term coined for the first time by Seth Godin is that the potential customer will provide your information and authorize you to send advertising or other material.

Because the constant bombardment of ads, consumers have begun to ignore advertising and email marketing, so it is necessary to ask consumers whether or not they want to receive advertising, if they accept great and if not also, because that way you will only reach who want to know your products or services, and will spam.

Based on the above, we recommend not buying database. Think about what good is it to have an extensive database if most of your contacts are not interested in your emails, or in what you offer?

Always keep in mind that what matters is the quality of your database, not the quantity. The better quality, the better your chances of selling.

2. Define an objective per campaign: Just as in the other marketing actions in email marketing, it is necessary to set an objective that guides you to the goal. And if you decide to send emails without determining an end. You’re very bad! You will not get anything.

To better understand this we remember the story of Alice in Wonderland, in the scene where Alice is lost on the road and asks the cat which way to take. And the cat does not foolishly ask him: where do you want to go? And she tells him she does not know. Then this cat gives a monumental answer that applies to all those who do not set goals in marketing actions

“If you do not know where you want to go, it does not matter how much road you take, any road will take you there.” In conclusion, if you do not draw goals it does not matter what result you get, since you do not have a goal to reach.

We recommend that you also include calls to action and links (within your emails) that guide subscribers to the actions (objectives) you want them to perform (fill out your form, request your offer, interact with your social networks, etc.) .

3. Customize your emails when necessary: Customizing them will help you to work better. To personalize them you can include the name of each issuer in the subject or within the first lines of the mail. Some email marketing experts claim that this increases CTR rates.

The CTR is a performance indicator that will help you measure the impact of each email. And it’s sensitive terms: the number of people who click on one of your emails and possibly perform a conversion.

Use attractive topics: A crucial moment in email marketing is when the senders open their inbox and see your mail, if the issue does not impact them, if it does not get their attention, if it is not relevant to them they simply will not open it.
After passing your ad, there are two possibilities: the first to delete your mail and the second that is fatal is to mark you as spam. It is a thousand times preferable that you delete an email to be marked as spam, since the domain of your website is affected.

But it is also terrible that you delete your mail, if you notice that most of your emails have been deleted, stop sending them until you detect the problem and the solutions.

Combine your marketing strategies: Make a mix with the strategies they use will help you a lot. For example, if you integrate your email marketing campaigns and your content marketing strategy, you will get more traffic on your website and that your emails will become relevant to subscribers.
Now that you know these 5 tips, what are you waiting for? Perhaps email marketing is the strategy you have sought so much to improve your sales, nothing you lose trying. And remember if you need help in managing your digital marketing strategies , we’d love to help you, just write to us .15

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