Having a profile on LinkedIn has become a key tool when it comes to getting contacts and professional opportunities, but the benefits of this social network go much further. If you still do not know the advantages of LinkedIn for companies this article interests you.

The growth and importance of LinkedIn is incontestable. In less than a decade it has gone from having 25 million users to the more than 400 that it currently has. Spain is one of the countries with the highest number of users on LinkedIn, with more than eight million that, according to studies, is estimated to reach ten million by the end of this year.

We are not just talking about users seeking employment or professional opportunities. As we have indicated to you, the advantages of LinkedIn for companies are very important and that is what 93% of the large American corporations have realized. they recognize that it is their favorite social network when it comes to positioning themselves on the Internet, far ahead of other platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

But LinkedIn is not only useful for large companies, it is also key for SMEs. This is reflected in the data from the Entrepreneur’s DNA study, which states that LinkedIn is the social network preferred by small and medium-sized Spanish companies that choose it 87% of the time when they are on the Internet ahead of other more well-known companies. and popular in regards to the number of users.

What are the advantages of LinkedIn for companies?

If from the users side the use of LinkedIn is closely related to the generation of professional contacts and job opportunities, when highlighting the advantages of LinkedIn for companies we can highlight:

Presence in a social network focused on the field of business.
Positioning of the brand in an exclusively business environment.
Qualified direct connections with contacts and suppliers in your sector.

Possibility of recruiting professionals and finding new talents.
Promotion of the brand’s products in a professional environment.Information about the competition and the news of your sector.

Get new customers and business contacts to increase sales.
Expand the scope of influence and knowledge of your company to other countries.

Involve your employees in the company’s objectives, making them part of your profile and improving internal communication through their presence in the social network.
Improvement of external communication through the generation of quality content of both your company and quality content.

Step by step how to create your business page on LinkedIn

If you have a SME and want to take advantage of LinkedIn for companies and what you can contribute to your business, the first advice is that you create a business page for your business

How is it done? Follow these steps:

First of all you must have a personal profile registered on LinkedIn. If you already have it, display the menu of the Interest tab and select the Companies option.
To create your company page, LinkedIn requires a series of requirements. Do you know them? You can access them in the help tab where you will find all the necessary information to start your company page.

If you meet all the requirements, LinkedIn will allow you to activate the option ” Add a company ” with which you can add the name of the company and the confirmation email that, we remind, should refer to your company.

From this moment on, the process is very similar to the creation of a personal profile, but you must bear in mind that you are talking about your company so, when filling in the fields, keep in mind issues such as the sector in which your business is registered, the description of the activity (it is also convenient to do it in English), the products linked to your brand, the year of creation, the number of employees, the web address, other profiles on social networks, a good header image at the right size (646 x 220 px), the logo of your brand, include the groups in which your company is present …

As it happens in the creation of personal profiles on LinkedIn, it is advisable that you take the necessary time to complete your company’s information because a large part of the success of your strategy in this social network will depend on your choosing the words correctly and the description suitable for your business, as well as the images that will be part of the header and profile of your page.

Keys to a good business strategy on LinkedIn

If you want to take full advantage of all the advantages of LinkedIn for companies, touch the profile, generate contacts and start a marketing strategy in this social network in which we can highlight as keys:

Incorporate your employees or those who were part of the company through links in their corresponding professional extracts. In the same way, it is important to highlight your images to strengthen the concept of human capital that is part of your brand.

You know how to do it?

The philosophy and values ​​of the company should be highlighted frequently through the publications that are made and, in the same way, appear in the extract of your company page.

Present your products or the services offered by your company in a prominent way in the information of the company. This option allows you to include the description, photos and even videos to effectively present the list of your products. Do you know how to

create a product page on LinkedIn?

Select correctly the keywords that can help you to appear in the searches that are made in the LinkedIn search engine.
Analyze if your competition is present in LinkedIn and how it publishes, what are the options you have activated, what is your network of contacts. In the same way, and through a good selection of keywords, you can use the advanced search option to select your target audience and those profiles you must have to expand the reach of your publications.

As in any social network, it generates or shares quality content and, eye, that is always related to the professional sector in which your company is registered to gain in shares, presence and become a link node in what refers to the activity Professional of your brand.

To gain specialization, LinkedIn gives you the option to segment the content you publish and direct it to a specific target audience.

Be active, do not talk only about your company, apart from generating professional content, participate in debates and forums that address issues related to the professional sector or that may interest you to show what is the positioning of your business before certain issues.

In the same way, the reputation of your company will win whole if the links you share or the updates you publish respond to the doubts and queries of your users that, in this way, you will see that behind your brand there are people willing to help them .
Promote important events or updates using the LinkedIn Ads option (ads) that you can manage only if you are an administrator of the company page.

Post job offers or professional opportunities to gain followers and become a page of interest. Do not forget that you are on LinkedIn.

If your brand is present in other social networks, incorporate the LinkedIn link. No clones content what works on Facebook does not have to do it on LinkedIn.

Measure and monitor the results of your strategy on LinkedIn through the statistics tab.

As you can see, LinkedIn goes far beyond a network to look for employment or professional opportunities and can do a lot for your company. Is your brand on LinkedIn? Do you know any other key to gain presence in this social network? Remember: LinkedIn is full of advantages for companies

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