The prominence of keywords is a concept that helps SEO significantly and few people know how to use it.

Whenever we talk about SEO or web positioning we refer to the beautiful algorithms that Google uses to track and explore the results pages as well as achieve the match of keywords that a user uses regularly.

It is common to believe that when we do a simple search in Google, randomly the search engine gives us the results but surprisingly in many cases is hidden an SEO strategy where the prominence of keywords or keywords play an important role.

What is the prominence of keywords?

Well to start, I think it is relevant to define what we mean by Prominence. The prominence of keywords is nothing more and nothing less than the importance we give to one or several keywords in our text, this can be in the fixed content or in the blog.

This is a measure where the keyword and everything related to it appears in the first few paragraphs of the page and in key places within the entire page. This helps Google understand what the main keyword is and why it is so important.

When we give Google robotics clues with keywords, and we stay active with clues such as: Title, H2, metadata, URL and the first paragraph of the page, these must be worked constantly for Google to read to us Much better and SEO improve more than those sites that do not make use of prominence.

Basic SEO Strategy

Keyword prominence is a much more than basic strategy that any web positioning expert should adopt, this element should be the most used by experts since as we know there is no magic recipe to achieve positioning a website in the first Places of the most popular search engine in the world.

While there is no recipe as such, I will share some of the many tricks we use at Social Sutra to give prominence to keywords – do not tell anyone about it.

Keep in mind that this is not the only thing in which we work to position a content or a website, we need a complete SEO positioning strategy, to achieve success.

Mini recipe for keyword prominence


It is true that this is one of the most important elements of our page, besides making it attractive must contain the keywords, if possible at the beginning of it.

Subtitles or Hn

Just as the title is important, having an Hn structure that includes the keywords will be very conducive to SEO.


After the title the URL is an extremely important element because with this we are telling Google the word with which we want to appear in the search engine.


While meta-registration is essential to attract more users, it is also very important for search engines, so it will be possible to match all the elements for prominence.

Keyword Density

All of us who are dedicated to SEO know that keywords must appear in at least 1% of all page content density, including sidebar, footer, etc.

There is a “formula” if you can call it that, where it would depend specifically on a quotient that is calculated for each indispensable area of ​​the page as they are: titles, visible text, anchor, site pages. In this you would have to divide your position on the page between the full size of it. The closer you get to 0 (zero), the higher the prominence.

Yoast, seo traffic light

Yoast SEO is literally a semaphore that serves as a guide, however I would not rely entirely on that WordPress tool, if you need another tool I can recommend SEOquake, it is an incredible option to know the prominence and other things of your sites and / or pages.

If after this explanation you still need a little more information about the prominence of keywords, come to Social Sutra, we are a digital agency that surely can help you with a strategy.

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