Still do not know what kind of marketing suits you? We present two alternatives that may interest you. Know the differences between the two, so you can determine which one is best for your business.

The 6 Differences between digital marketing and traditional marketing:
1. The diffusion channel they use: This is the main and most noticeable difference between the two, digital marketing is transmitted through the Internet and has its own resources, while traditional marketing uses traditional media.

However, both focused on acquiring potential customers, using all the tools and strategies necessary to achieve it.

2. The budget they require: With digital marketing you can measure your investment and you can evaluate the results it produces. While with traditional marketing, brands usually have to accept the costs that the established resources of this option, in addition they do not really know if their investment produced results or wasted their money, the only indicator they have is the sales produced.

Digital marketing lets you know which if your investment produced optimal results or losses. This data will allow you to analyze and improve the marketing actions you carry out until achieving the desired results.

One way to measure the results of the investment is through the formula of ROI or return on investment, which allows us to know how much money we earn according to the amount invested.

3. Communication with your target: With traditional marketing communication with customers is unidirectional, meaning that it goes in one direction, from the company to the client and not the other way around.

4. The resources they use: Both digital and traditional marketing use advertising as the main resource to disseminate a product, service or brand.

And among the digital advertising media that are used are:

Social networks , which have revolutionized the way companies arrive and communicate to their customers.
The search engines , which solve all the doubts of consumers.
The web pages , which allow the company to introduce themselves and their products or services.
The emails , which enables customers to communicate with businesses online.
The best known means of traditional advertising , and that have been used successfully for several decades:

The television , audiovisual means by which advertisements are transmitted.
The newspapers and magazines , that in his writings broadcast content ads.
The cinema , which is used with a giant television with ads similar to television.
The radio , with its spots and jingles
The BTL , such as billboards, flyers, etc.
5. How it reaches the consumer: Traditional marketing usually interrupts people and always shows their ads without being requested.

For example, when the public is watching a TV program they interrupt it with advertising, or by telephone; Customers receive unsolicited calls, during which companies offer their services.

In contrast, digital marketing has different ways of reaching the public, some of them are similar to traditional ones, because they appear without being requested, while others are only shown when requested.

Google : It is a means by which Internet users reach brands, when they need them. This is thanks to SEO web positioning , which places the pages among the first results of searches when a web optimization strategy is developed.
A blog: If your company has a blog you can use strategies such as attraction marketing, also known as content marketing, through which you generate you will attract potential customers with content that helps them solve a problem or a need.
Social networks: They serve as a means to dialogue with their customers. With a marketing plan in social networks your company can: improve the digital presence of your brand, increase your sales, strengthen the traditional marketing you are doing, etc.
But, if you do not use a strategy in this medium you will not achieve great results. So if you want to sell more for social networks you need to plan the marketing actions that you will carry out. If you do not know how to do it, contact a digital marketing agency to do all the work for you.

6. Costs: By investing in digital marketing you can decide the amount of your investment, while in traditional marketing this is more complicated since generally the companies that offer this type of service have established the amounts that you should invest. Therefore, we dare to say that digital marketing is cheaper.

With traditional marketing you will need enough money to hire advertising space, such as billboards, radio or television.

In contrast, digital marketing gives you the option to choose an amount within your reach. For example, if you decide to develop yourself all digital marketing actions, such as: investing in online advertising, say in Facebook Ads, you can start investing from 10 soles and the best thing is that you can know how much you earn for each sun invested in advertising on Facebook.

But do not think that investing 10 soles will achieve thousands. To earn a lot of money you need to invest a lot and do it intelligently. That is, planning, measuring and optimizing your marketing actions. Otherwise you will not be able to progress and earn more.

Now that you know these differences between digital marketing and traditional marketing, you can already decide which of the two suits you. And remember if you need help with the planning of your digital marketing actions, contact us.

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