Facebook e-commerce, this is how we will end up calling this social network in a few years. Long ago, a professor of the subject that today would carry the name of “digital marketing” told me; “Facebook is wrong betting on advertising, people do not go into Facebook to buy.” Clearly I was wrong … Facebook is increasingly betting on e-commerce and demonstrates it with a new format of ads: Collection.

Collection is a new ad format that allows you to display an image or video and underneath the featured products. When the user clicks on the Facebook ad, he / she accesses an immersive and fast loading experience in which up to 50 products can be displayed. At the moment the first to use it have been Adidas and Tommy Hilfiger.

Facebook wants brands to be able to tell visual stories with their products. The goal of Facebook was to combine video and products to offer a fast user experience around the purchase of branded products.
According to “Omni-channel Shoppers” 45% of online sales go through a mobile action, which makes us think that we still have a lot to improve on the mobile experience. This type of multi-product advertising will benefit the cross-selling of other products thus making advertising more effective in the social network.

In addition to this new format, Facebook will launch a new metric to measure “the clicks of exit”, will show the number of clicks that take people outside of Facebook. This metric can be interesting to better optimize the investment in FB.

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