You already have a super nice website, full of the things that represent your company or project, it has beautiful images, photos of your team, your mission, vision, your colors, texts, in short, the site was just as you wanted it … And now how to bring traffic?
By having a website what helps us the most is the visits to it, the bring traffic that arrives and that according to what the users are looking for, you may be the one who covers what they are looking for, but how you can manage to bring traffic to your website if only while doing this article there were 1,914,940,409 (thousand nine hundred million) and counting websites on the internet. How will we make our site visited with so many pages? Well, we’ll talk about this today, where we’ll give you some ways to bring traffic to your site๐
Yes, both make paid ads on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube to mention some or in Google Adwords to appear at the top of the search engine, are good options for users to visit your website, the advantage of paying is that you segment and reach who you want to reach (of course, with a good segmentation) but on the other hand you have to have a budget and in many cases and according to the competition it must be a good budget to be able to obtain significant visits to your website, if accounts with little budget and you prefer to know other cheaper ways and that can generate more benefits that only traffic keeps reading …
Sharing content on social networks
When posting on social networks, users realize that you are up to date and that you are an active business, this coupled with good content that encourages you to visit your website will be a great tool to achieve it, what is important that you know is that it should be publish continuously and that in social networks like Facebook the organic reach (the one you do not pay) is very low, so you must distribute it manually or pay, while in networks like Twitter and Instagram you can achieve greater reach using hashtags.
Doing SEO
SEO or organic positioning in search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing helps too many people visit your website when doing searches with certain keywords or keywords, although for this to happen you must do some practices like SEO on page and SEO off page – of what we talked about in this article – and also to mention that for you to position yourself in the first places does not happen overnight and actually takes some time and a good team of experts, certainly you are interested, you can ask here๐
If your company can enter to participate in contests of your turn there is a great opportunity for more people to visit your site. For example, we as an agency have entered marketing blog competitions, although there are also website development competitions or organic positioning or campaigns in social media, by participating in them more people know your work and therefore visit you.
Having a blog
One of the most practical ways to get traffic for a website is having your own blog and if you write constantly this traffic will multiply, good for traffic to arrive your blog must offer good content, that are not just text and have images , that is useful and that the users to read it obtain something of value. There are many sites that have become referents or opinion leaders thanks to the content they offer which has led to many visitors and also have a better position in search engines … Do you see everything that causes good content?๐
Making guest posting
Another way to bring traffic is by inviting bloggers or inviting you as a blogger to write in other sites that have to do with your turn with this you can make more readers know your work and increase your visits, this practice is very common between people who dedicate themselves to write to throw us the hand and to become friends.
Mailing with your database is a good way to get visits to your website because you can send content or introduction to your new blog entries to invite them to visit your page. There are tools like Benchmark or Mailchimp that help you create and design emails that generate conversions.
Traditional media
Clear! The traditional media are not dead by any means and can be an excellent complement in a digital strategy, if you go to events you can give flyers that include your company information and of course the address of your website, you can also buy spaces in magazines as the ads that appear in Entrepreneur for example, classified ads, radio mentions (of course, with more budget), etc.
As you can see there are many ways to get visits to your website, sometimes we just close a bit to find them but you can try each one and little by little you will see results, we also recommend that you keep your site updated and that it be responsive (adaptable to any device) because with this it is much more practical for the users that visit you to understand the information and to stay longer in it.