Every day thousands of advertisers try to reach Facebook users in order to get their attention. Unfortunately, there are so many advertisers who compete to appear in the News Feed of users who are not all seen, since people are not in social networks the whole day, although it is true that they spend many hours in them, in the rest of the day You have other things to do (study, work, eat, etc.)

Then during those long hours in which potential customers are elsewhere, outside of Facebook are accumulating the ads that you will see later. That is why, when a person enters your account you see a lot of Facebook Ads ads mixed between several publications of your contacts and the pages that follow.

When the ads appear in the news section only the most attractive achieve their goal, capture the attention of the target audience.

If you are an advertiser, community manager or the person in charge of managing the Facebook page of your company, you have noticed that your publications often do not have much interaction, do not receive comments, or help you win customers or close a sale.

Therefore, your company needs a landing page on Facebook, so you can develop a strategy that allows you to attract customers. Since this resource is ideal to achieve this goal.

But what is a landing page?
A landing page is a landing page, inside your Facebook fan page, designed to get leads. The leads are possible clients that will give you their information through a form. To obtain this data it is necessary to offer the user something that manages to conquer it so that it is willing to fill out the form and give us the information that it so jealously protects.

Why is a landing page important?
This page is important because it will help you convert users who do not know your company to clients, so you should have at least one.

How can I get clients with a landing page?
You can get them by promoting your landing pages with advertisements on Facebook. You only need some previous knowledge about the correct use of campaigns in this advertising platform to start capturing potential clients.

How does a landing page work?
First the Facebook user sees an ad and he is attracted by clicking on the link, this leads him to the landing page, where he can know details of the promoted product (price, characteristics, benefits, attention conditions, etc.).

Lead of Facebook
Publication that links to the landing page and that can be promoted to improve its reach in social networks.

Then, in the lower part the user will see a form that invites him to register to buy the product or reserve it. If you complete it, you will become a potential customer. To become a true client you need to contact him and persuade him by mail or call.

Now that you know why you need a landing page, what are you waiting for? Create your first landing page and start capturing customers. If you decide to implement this resource we can help you, we are experts creating a landing page on Facebook and we would love to help you.

Contact us !

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