The visual content helps a lot in our digital strategy, whether they are images on our website, on social networks, on our blog, in messages, etc. The images or free stock photos help users understand your message better and if we add that they are real images it makes it more convincing, even more if they are of good quality.
Although this is not always possible because we do not have a photographic equipment, we do not have someone who can take these photographs or we just need an image and it is not necessary to do a whole photo session, this is why the libraries for are very useful especially when they are free of rights and of high quality and in this article we share the best libraries that not only have the above characteristics, you can also download them for free! 😀Here we go:
This is one of my favorite libraries, all Royalty free Images with thousands of images and weekly uploads, with various categories such as editorial, wallpapers, textures, nature, architecture, etc. And it also has a search engine that complements very well with the categories, the best thing about this site is that all the images are of high quality and you will not know which one to choose from the beauty that many of them are.
This is a site created by two photographers and contains images that you can download for free use, it has categories, a search engine and a section where you can find the images that have just been uploaded, what is special about this site is that all the images that appear here are these two photographers and they made it free because they know that sometimes it is difficult to find good photographs on the web, so this site might love you. Check it out.😉
This is another of the best sites to get free images and very good quality, as Unsplash weekly upload images that you can download for free and has various categories and a search engine that allows you to find many photos with different sizes, something What is also very good about Pexels is that as well as having a site to download images, they have one to download videos that you can see here.
Cupcake is another site with images that are licensed Creative Commons which means you can download and use them freely, these images can also only be found here because they are Nilson Lee a Swedish photographer who is dedicated to upload your photos.
Very similar to the interface of the previous two, Pixabay has Royalty free Images that are of very good quality but with another type of photography and lighting, here you not only find photos, there are also illustrations, vectors and videos. It has different categories and also has a great search engine.
This is another stock of images that has a version in Spanish, the photos of this site if you see much more stock than the previous ones, it has a search engine and different categories, all the images you can download them for free and also you I highly recommend.
BucketListly Blog
This site is the blog of a traveler who made his photographs available but with a restricted license in aspects such as that his photos are not used commercially and that he is mentioned when using his photos. The original of this site is that all the photos are of landscape and includes a map by region of the countries that you have visited, in this way if for example you need photos of Lithuania you choose on the map this place and you will see the photos of it, It has more than 8,000 images and the site has a design and interface that I personally loved. It also has a blog, videos and a lot of travel content (if you’re interested in the btw issue).
Life of Pix
This is the photo version of Life of Vids that is where you can download free videos. In this site you can find incredible images of very good quality, you can search for photographers, in a gallery or do it freely from your search engine, in this site it also shows you the “photographer of the week” where in the home you only recommend your photographs. I also recommend this site widely.
Burst is a free download photo platform that is part of Shopify, has high resolution images and is also royalty free and in short this is what they say “We built Burst to provide designers, developers, bloggers and entrepreneurs Access to beautiful free stock photos. You can use our images for almost anything: your website, blog or online store, school projects, Instagram ads, Facebook posts, desktop backgrounds, client work and more. All our photos are free for commercial use without attribution. ” So if you need more images this site is ideal for you, plus it has a super design.
This is another stock of images with a variety of categories and styles, with high resolution and also has a search engine.
This site is super cute visually, also that their images have a very good aesthetic and different from the previous ones, so it is a good option if you are looking for something different. It has 9,880 images and its download is free, has its own search engine and has a blog where they talk about marketing, design, photography, among others.
Free Nature Stock
In comparison to the previous sites, in this stock you only find images of very good quality and clear nature, where you can download them freely. This stock also recently opened its library of videos that is also aimed at nature, has super cute images and videos, I highly recommend it.
ISO Republic
High resolution Royalty free Images and very good quality, in this stock there are images that are not in the previous ones which gives you more possibility to find what you are looking for, has a search engine and categories to make it easier to navigate. This site also has a stock of videos that is a great advantage if you are also looking for.
This site belongs to two photographers who dedicate to upload their images there so that we can download them. they are free and free to use, I highly recommend it, because it not only has good quality in its images, it is also an excellent download option.
As the previous one is dedicated to fitness images , in this site you can only find foodies images and you can find fruit, desserts, fast food, drinks, in short, the ideal place if you are looking for food images. It has a search engine and photographs of very good quality that you can also use freely.
As you can see, there are plenty of image stocks and in many cases they are not precisely stock but photographers who are interested in sharing their work. Knowing that in many places you do not find images of very good quality, we made this list choosing only the sites that had high resolution images and where the search for them was simple.
We hope that these sites are very useful for you and if your header site is not there you can share it in the comments so that more people can use it. Thank you for reading. 🙂
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